Now unfortunatley, the show was moved to The Echo at the last minute. It was originally scheduled at The Echoplex, which located right below The Echo. Not to say that The Echo is a bad place, it is much smaller than the Echoplex so it has much more of a bar feeling to it, but The Echoplex has a much better sound system. But despite this, the show was still none the less amazing. They played a great mixture of old and new. I couldn't have asked for more. So check out the videos, listen to the tunes, & let me know what you think! Enjoy!

Live At The Echo
So Fuck It
Forget YourselfHere It Comes
Comes UndoneNu Disco
Academy Fight SongThis Is Not A Photograph
Trem TwoOne Day We Will Live There/Untitled
Spider's Web1,2,3, Party!
Careening With ConvictionThat's How I Escaped My Certain Fate
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