Here's the second night of their two show reunion. I think this might have been the best show of the entire fest. They played songs from their entire catalouge, from their first 7" to the second full-length, & everything else in between (even a Johnny Cash cover). Larry Damore of Bhopal Stiffs/Pegboy sang back up vocals on American Dreams. They even blew two fuses throughout the show. The band also invited Jeff Dean onstage to play guitar with them. He engineered the bands new album New Normal Catastrophe. There was one track at the end I was not familiar with. Any help with the title for that one would be appreciated. Stay tuned for some Zero Boys and Negative Approach!
Riot Fest 2010 - Live At The AAA
Everyday I've Got Mine (Blown Fuse) I've Got Mine Remain In Memory Give Thanks Bad Attitude Everyman For Himself Brother John Buried Alive False Security Cambridge (Blown Fuse 2) American Dreams My Father's Dreams/What We Want Is Free In This Life Folsom Prison Blues Track 16 Up Against The Wall -------- Get It --------
The Terror Of Tinytown Clean As A Thistle New Feudalism Electronic Plantation California Uber Alles Panicland Let's Lynch The Landlord Three Strikes .com Monte Carlo/Pets Eat Their Masters Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's Holiday In Cambodia -------- Get It --------